AWE : Augmented World Expo
︎Brand Identity
︎Motion Graphic
︎Motion Graphic
AWE (Augmented World Expo) is a global conference that brings together leading technology companies and startups to promote the expansion of XR business. Using a 3D mascot, Beau, with dynamic streaks, I highlight the fun and experiential aspect of AWE, making XR more accessible to real-world consumers without professional XR knowledge.
Beau, the new symbol for AWE, is inspired by people's instinctive gestural reaction to XR technology - looking around. The bold streaks symbolize dynamic interaction within the AWE community. The spherical shape represents inclusiveness.

Clearzone / Lockup


Brand Color

Brand Steering Wheel

Brand Driver

Mascot : BEAU
The new 3D mascot of AWE, Beau, is a simple tube-shaped character with a glass screen that displays various content, showcasing the diverse industries covered by AWE. The dynamic explosion of objects from Beau's head represents the endless possibilities that XR can bring to our lives.

Identity Posters
To showcase the potential of XR technology across diverse industries, I utilized the mascot, Beau, in identity posters. I aimed to expand the appeal of the AWE conference beyond just tech workers and appeal to non-tech workers in different fields.



Interactive Wall
Animated Billboards